European Union
European Union (EU)
The Salonga Program is funded with financial support of the European Union. The European Development Fund finances the project “Programme Agricole Rural et de Conservation du Complexe Salonga – PARCCS” which implements rural development activities and park management in the Salonga landscape.
The PARCCS project started in 2017. In 5 years the EU financial support will be used to on the one hand improve the park management and raise awareness for the unique biodiversity and ecosystem services values of Salonga. On the other hand PARCCS will allow investments to improve agricultural production (quality and quantity), to develop agricultural value chains, better organize farmers, elaborate local development plans and support community forestry and rehabilitation of local infrastructure.
Financial support of PARCCS is made available by the EU through the European Development Fund (EDF) which was created to share the EU’s achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders. The PARCCS project benefits from EDF with 17,8 mio EUR.
Disclaimer: This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Salonga National Park and its partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.