In partnership with WWF, ISCO is developing activities to promote agricultural production to about 5000 households in the territories of Boende, Bokungu and Monkoto bordering Salonga National Park. These households are grouped into 150 local development committees (CLDs), from which the project promotes the settlement of producers through pilot farmers, as well as the distribution and utilization of more productive crops and more adequate farming practices through the community fields. ISCO fosters learning about agricultural techniques through community fields, where cassava, peanuts, rice, oil palm and cocoa are propagated. ISCO’s efforts span an area of 300 ha of community fields, extending into 750 ha of pilot farms, and application on 12 000 ha for households. ISCO also supports the processing of agricultural products and their evacuation, as well as breeding through the vaccination of chickens against newcastle disease the domestication of pouched rats for meat.